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Showing posts with label Teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teaching. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Lesson Planning For New teacher

Lesson planning is an area that can cause a great deal of stress for beginning year of teaching, at that point chances are you have been feeling that first year expectation to learn and adapt. There are never such a large number of assets to help you in the early long periods of your instructing profession. We are here to give some exercise arranging tips. You've been doing exercise arranging sufficiently long now to begin discovering how to incorporate individual units into bigger, more coordinated unit arranging. The principles bode well since you've invested energy making an interpretation of them into exercises.

During your first year of educating, perhaps the greatest test you face is working in a reliable, yet adaptable, appraisal technique. Initially, you start with essential tests and tests at specific stretches. Also, that is an entirely fine spot to begin. However, following a couple of months, you ought to have enough assets to consolidate various sorts of appraisals into different pieces of your exercises. You ought to effectively search for additional kinds of casual evaluations that can be worked in to day by day designs. Keep in mind, you'll should survey the advancement of yours understudies consistently, so you are not caught off-guard by the aftereffects of formal appraisals. Now in your first, second or third year, ample opportunity has already past to change your evaluations. 

Publicly support Your Lesson Plans 

The force of instructor coordinated effort couldn't possibly be more significant. It will be a wellspring of solidarity for you just as a wellspring of data. Assemble assets from individual educators and fuse what you can into your arranging. Between online assets and your kindred educators, you can begin with a reasonable few exercises and adjust them to address your issues. 

Be reasonable 

During understudy showing years, you most likely spent endless hours making itemized exercise arrangements and stunning, insightful assets since you were set apart by a college and needed to progress admirably. In all actuality, experienced educators utilize day by day organizers that give a short outline of an exercise on the grounds that continually making those nitty gritty plans isn't maintainable. Instructing is a ton of experimentation. At the point when a class you went through hours on comes up short or when you see understudies scrunch up your worksheets toward the finish of your exercise, it is discouraging. Keep in mind, you're done being checked. Reset your thoughts regarding educating to coordinate with what is in reality before you. 

Change your objectives 

Change your objectives to make showing the unit simpler for you to work with and keep you from wearing out. Utilizing general terms, consider objectives for every week and afterward for every day to give you a thought of what should be concealed prompting the appraisal. This more extensive picture blueprint will give you the adaptability to adjust everyday exercises to ensure that objectives are accomplished prior to advancing. You can duplicate this arrangement into a schedule that can be shown in your homeroom consistently subject to change to give your understudies a thought of where their learning will take them. 

Help from online assets 

There are innumerable showing assets on the web recordings can be utilized. A considerable lot of recordings accompany instructors packs containing exercise plans planned to results and learning assets for educators to utilize. You can adjust exercise plans and intuitive recordings to suit your requirements and invigorate understudy commitment. As you carry out these exercise plans, observe the exercises and assets that your understudies especially appreciate and consolidate them into your future exercises.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

How important is technology in education

 As you very well know, training is an important part of our life, whatever the reasons. The motivation behind regular education today is to find a new line of work. Is it possible to find a new line of work or live happily without using the Internet and PC? the answer is no.

This is why computer training in schools is really important. You cannot make the young world employable without remembering innovations for housewives. The PC and the Internet are another tool for some teachers and offer imaginative strategies for showing young people.PC technology in education helps get information and data faster. Edit anything and it will be on Google. Innovations trigger inventive thinking. PCs provide additional space that can be used to save addresses, notes, tasks, and comprehension to download the above. Enthusiasts give more benefit to teachers and understanding. Today, there is no need to worry about the state of instructing the government to understand energetic instructors. There are different tools and advancements, which they can constantly share with understanding anywhere on the planet to face their craft.

The PC helps directors and performers to anticipate, analyze data and gradually develop insightful information and data. Innuendo can replay the cycle on a PC sometimes as if it's not like those who don't complete it. Is it conceivable without a PC? Sub-studies can rely on PC programs for the best results. For example, in the event that someone is doing calculations in Microsoft Excel, they can use recipes and justify breaking them.

Innovation is an important asset in education. YouTube, online course sites, online licensed degree programs are amazing for understanding. Skype, Google Hangouts, and innovations in text, sound, video chat or correspondence are amazing for teachers and for comprehension.

Through the use of computers and the Internet, schooling enables understanding. A PC is equipped to eliminate many opportunities through the use of a special application. Currently, younger technology is more integrated to use devices. Instructors can use innovation to transform innovations into an understanding mind. Web media, for example, Facebook Twitter, and so on, are incredible innovations that can help educate educators on the subjects of communism and sociology. Schools and teachers can participate in Facebook meetings and host different understandings. In which no one other than teachers can view and understand the real reason (self-employed or realities created or examined and corroborated). Using advancements in web media in education can yield incredible benefits, but the ultimate goal must be considered. At this point, when the education and advancement planning in the main class are adjusted to meet the goals of understanding and dreaming, it is necessary to use them.

Friday, March 26, 2021

5 Important Characteristics of Modern Learners that eLearning Professionals Should Know

Current students aspire. During the coronavirus pandemic, many substitute students are taking their courses online. Anyway, what do we really think of today's students? And more critically, what are the qualities to consider when taking online courses for this age? In this article, you'll discover 5 important attributes of today's learners that eLearning experts should have high on their priority list when planning eLearning courses for them.

Important characteristics of modern students

Every advanced student is extraordinary. Each can come from a different educational and social base, but there are also regular attributes that they will generally share. Realizing these attributes can offer eLearning experts the ability to turn eLearning courses into disrupted eLearning encounters.

Ways to Avoid Interruptions.

Students today have a ton on their notorious plates. They think about a lot of things at once, which makes it easier to get distracted when trying to complete an online course. As eLearning experts, this can present an important test. However, we can overcome this quality hurdle by taking eLearning courses that connect right from the start and hold everything until the end. Ask convincing questions that get them thinking about the topic. Tell a compelling story that moves or captivates them on the subject. Coordinate images and recordings that inspire explicit feelings, as well as characters they can relate to.

Social students.

Without a doubt, today's students are nicer than any other age in the past. They spend a good part of their day through online media networks, looking for partners and connecting with professional contacts. In fact, in many ways, interpersonal interaction has replaced correspondence. Current students need to post on a Facebook page or react to a tweet and then make a decision. This implies that eLearning meetings must be shared and social. To host your advanced learning group, you need to incorporate online gathering and social learning tasks into web dating by completing dashboard steps and web media destinations that are right for you.

Want constant information.

This age of students is asking for data anytime, anywhere. In the event that they need to familiarize themselves with a topic, they bounce off their laptop or tablet and find out everything they need to know to satisfy their interest. Although times past must have dared to go to the nearest library to broaden their knowledge, today the information is at your fingertips.


Although they thrive in friendly learning conditions, today's students are also extremely independent. They're not averse to going it alone to uncover the information they need to achieve their goals, whether or not it's putting all of their extra energy into the business. In the event that they cannot find the data they are looking for in your online course, then they will essentially look elsewhere. They are also looking for learning encounters that empower them throughout the cycle, for example having the opportunity to choose when they complete the online modules and the idea of ​​the eLearning movement.


Perhaps the most predominant attribute of today's college students is that they are exhausted and dominated. Many have a wide variety of professional obligations, making it difficult to balance their home life with their vocations. This implies that they don't have a lot of energy or effort to devote to eLearning. They are also dominated by the abundance of data online today.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Encouraging Methods Of Training

 The school is a ground-breaking environment, joining captions from various establishments with various capacities and characters. Being an incredible educator, one necessity to show innovative and creative introduction cycles to meet the individual requirements of the alternative. Regardless of whether you have shown two months or twenty, it is difficult to say which training methods will work best with your option. There is no one to suit everyone as an instructor, so here is an area of ​​successful encouraging methods that you can use to encourage your practice at home.


Rejuvenate boring educational ideas with visual and practical learning encounters, helping to see your choice of how their mention in reality applies. The templates incorporate the use of an intuitive whiteboard to show photographs, short snippets, and recordings, as well as urging your option to flee their locations with their home exams and nearby trips.

Enjoyable Education

Supporting the option for joint abilities by advancing short meetings or whole-class exercises. By verbally communicating your ideas and giving feedback to others, your choices will develop their boldness, such as improving their correspondence and basic reasoning skills that are important throughout life. Dealing with numerical puzzles, directing logical analysis, and executing short play patterns is an example of how enjoyable learning can be combined with practice room exercises.

Request Based Support

Provide stimulating conversation stimuli that inspire your choice to have an independent perspective and become a more autonomous learner. Encouraging choices to ask questions and explore their own ideas improves their critical thinking skills such as gaining a deeper understanding of educational ideas. There are two important core skills.


Describe the tricks to differentiate your education that depends on the capabilities of the substations, to ensure that no one is left out. Redoing practice in the study room as indicated by the exceptional subtitle adaptation means that people with higher academic skills are enhanced and those who are struggling receive appropriate help. This may involve distributing worksheets that fluctuate in complexity at various substitute meetings or creating a scope of workstations around the study room that have a set of tasks to browse for replacements.

Lead the council

Running a powerful onboard system is critical to gaining respect for your replacements and ensuring that replacements have an equal chance of reaching their maximum potential. Distressed and troubled families do not support a fruitful learning climate, so building an air of common respect through a mixture of order and reward can be beneficial to both you and your option.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Do’s and Dont’s of Covid-19 Kids Must Know

Due to coronavirus, many schools all around the world have been shut. Children cannot be trusted completely to take follow precautions, in such a situation the responsibility of teachers and parents gets even more demanding than it already is say Menachem Moscovitz.

Today we are going to talk about how we can make kids understand Covid-19; following are some general principles while talking to kids;

  • Keep in mind that children always react to how and what things are being discussed.

  • Kids innocently tend to pick up cues from the conversations adults are having around them.

  • As a parent and teacher always listen patiently what they have to say and allow them to ask as many questions they want to suggests Menachem Moscovitz.

  • Around kids avoid using words that might point out at blaming others and lead to stigma.

  • Stop making assumptions about who might have or might not have corona.

  • Close pay attention to what media exposure a kid is having or has access to.

  • Decrease the amount of ‘screen’ time for children. Sometimes too much information on any topic can lead to worry and anxiety.

  • Do not hide anything from your kid; provide them information that is honest and accurate. But remember to provide appropriate information according to the age. 

  • Make sure that children are aware of what COVID-19 I and how there can be some rumors and fake news on it.

  • Educate children on how their small actions can reduce the spread of germs.

  • Reassure parents and students as well that the school authority is working towards keeping everyone safe and healthy say Menachem Moscovitz.


  • Keep 6 feet distance from people who are coughing or sneezing or are sick.

  • Cough or sneeze into a clean tissue or your elbow, and then make sure to throw the tissue into a closed bin.

  • Teach students how to properly wash their hands, especially after blowing the nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • Instruct kids what to do if soaps and water are not available, give tips to kids how they can effectively use sanitizer.


  • At any cost, do not touch your mouth, nose, eyes, and face with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid coughing or sneezing into hands.

  • Avoid places with crowds. 

  • Do not touch surfaces in public places and play areas.

Following are some points you can use to talk about Covid-19 with children;

  • COVID-19 is the short name for 'coronavirus disease 2019'.

  • It is a new virus by the name Covid-19 short name for ‘coronavirus disease 2019’.

  • Doctors are still learning about it and ways to deal with it.

  • This virus has made lots of people sick.

  • Doctors are helping people get better and they think especially kids are protected from this virus. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tips to Use Social Media in the Classroom

There is no doubt in saying that social media has become a part of our daily lives a few years ago this was not the case. But now as we are headed to 2021 every single person is connected to social media in one way or another. Menachem Moscovitz observes that social media has its own share of advantages and disadvantages and it would be fair to say that advantages are more.

Menachem Moscovitz

We get to see the latest news, events, cinema, and announcements by the government through social media first and the local newspaper later. People are always clung to their smartphones like there is nothing better to do in life. People who do not like technology ‘has’ to push themselves in using it because they feel left alone.

Menachem Moscovitz believes that using social media as a teaching tool can be effective especially during the lockdown period. Online classes can cause a lack of discipline which can affect your classroom’s overall result. With the help of social media you can practice the following;

1. Mingle with Social Platforms

The first thing to do is get involved in social media activities yourself. If you teach English then you can follow other same language teachers in any part of the world and learn from them. Or you can also share anything you would like to tell others such as teaching tips, favorite teaching apps, etc. 

Menachem Moscovitz

If you want to go the extra mile then you can make a social group in which you can include anyone you want and have discussions with them. When various minds chat unbelievable solutions can be figured out. Menachem Moscovitz believes that students with their young thinking can bring out the best results.

2. Make Students Write Blog

Blogs are a perfect way to display your inner thoughts to the outer world. You can encourage your students to write a blog and make them read each other’s blogs. Through this unique activity, they can learn more about their fellow classroom friends and their vocab will definitely increase. 

Menachem Moscovitz

Menachem Moscovitz suggests teachers write blogs too, through finding a bold habit we can channelize our inner energy whether positive or negative does not matter. If it is negative then it will cease not to matter but if it was positive then there is a 100 chance of multiplying that same energy and achieve something extraordinary.

3. Tweet…All the Way

Even the president of the world power country tweets if he wants to make some information public. Twitter is not merely a social media platform anymore; it has become much bigger than that. Now it has become a basic and significant public information platform. 

Menachem Moscovitz

You can encourage your students to share a list of their favorite books or favorite recipe, etc. Through this activity, kids can share their interests without judgment and their confidence level would surely boost. Menachem Moscovitz believes that through Twitter kids can learn a great deal of things that can be helpful in their intellectual growth. Not only this through this they can learn about world events as well.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ideas for Effective Questioning in the Classroom

What makes students love a particular teacher’s class? To begin with, we can say that the environment created by that teacher and the teaching style of that teacher. The way a teacher teaches matters a lot no doubt in saying that, what kind of questions a teacher asks in the classroom can shape the whole lecture.
Menachem Moscovitz
Menachem Moscovitz believes that effective questioning is needed in every classroom for a positive and great outcome. The purpose of a teacher should not be only good results but along what also what life lessons can kids grasp as well.

There are five principles with the help of which you can make sure that your class stands out from the rest and an effective method of questioning can take place among your students.  
1. Ask Questions that Encourage Thinking and Reasoning
Great questions have the power to encourage great thinking- this saying is true in all terms. Unless budding minds are pushed to think in a unique way there can never be a discovery.

Menachem Moscovitz says that effective questioning should be prepared before taking the class. It is useful to build a sequence of questions that can extend students thinking capacity. A good questioner remains flexible and asks useful follow-up questions. 
Menachem Moscovitz
2. Ask Questions Including Everyone

A good teacher always asks questions keeping everyone in mind say Menachem Moscovitz. It is significant to include everyone in the questions asked and thinking. Here are three ways through which you can use this technique;
  • Ask questions that encourage a range of reactions or questions that can start a healthy discussion.
  • Encourage kids to listen to each other’s reply calmly.
  • Make sure to set rules for any sort of discussion.
3. Give Students Time to Think and Analyze

The time between a teacher asking the question and student replying is called ‘waits time’. Menachem Moscovitz suggests that teachers should give at least 10 seconds to students to prepare their answers. 
Menachem Moscovitz
When teachers increase the wait time to 5 to 10 seconds, the research shows that students begin to:
  • Respond at greater length and with greater confidence;
  • Offer more unsolicited, but appropriate, responses;
  • Offer more diverse, alternative explanations;
  • Relate responses to those from other students.
4. Avoid Judging Students Response

Teachers make a silly habit of judging students' responses which leads to mistrust among the classroom. When a teacher judges kids' response as ‘good’, ‘excellent’, or ‘brilliant’, kids morale increases and they start participating more in the classroom. Asks questions that permit a greater variety of responses. 
Menachem Moscovitz
Benefits of Effective Questioning

Menachem Moscovitz shares that using the effective questioning technique in your classroom brings a host of benefits, as it:

  • Encourages students to engage with their project and each other.
  • Help students to think out loud.
  • Facilitates learning through some active discussion.
  • Motivate students to feel confident about their ideas.
  • Improves the speaking and listening skills of kids.
  • Builds crucial thinking skills.
  • Teaches respect for people’s opinions.
  • Helps students to clarify their understanding.
  • Motivates students and develops an interest in a topic.
  • Allows teachers to check students’ understanding.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

How‌ ‌to‌ ‌Become‌ ‌a‌ ‌Best‌ ‌Teacher‌ ‌by‌ ‌Menachem‌ ‌Moscovitz‌

Teaching is one of the most satisfying and the most stressful jobs both at the same time. It can be both amazing and worrying also. Menachem Moscovitz is very well aware of this; he also believes that teaching is a stressful job. You may be a teacher and probably are going through a hard time being loved by all of your students at the same time.
Menachem Moscovitz

When your teaching style starts to influence one or two students, you will become one of the best teachers in the school, yes that can happen. That positive effect may rub off onto their friends who in future can be influenced by you as well.

There are lots of ways you can become a far better teacher for yourself and be an example in your profession. Menachem Moscovitz says that improving yourself with time, working on your skills can turn you into a teacher that every kid dreams of having. If you keep it persistent, you can also become an influential teacher.
  • Keep on Learning- Pursue Your Education
Menachem Moscovitz says that a young teacher should continue to pursue education even after you get a job as a teacher. Your learning experience has a direct impact on your students' classroom learning experience. Go back to school to pursue your master's in education; it is what you deserve and your students as well.
Menachem Moscovitz

Improve your skills by getting certified in a specific subject. Consider learning basic life coaching techniques that can improve your overall communication skills and help you become a better storyteller hence a better teacher.

According to a recent survey, 65% of teachers said that they would use micro-credentials as a significant part of their professional development. You know what micro-credentials do? Micro-credentials allow teachers to develop a deeper level of learning. It is a good alternative to going back to school or earning your certification.
  • Learn another Language
Menachem Moscovitz says that you can become a better teacher by learning a brand new language. There is at least one student in each classroom who speaks a second language at home for sure. Use free language learning apps such as Memrise and Duolingo to learn a second language quickly and effectively.
Menachem Moscovitz

This helps you to become supportive and empathetic to students who are learning English as a second language. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 9% of public school students are ESL. You want to make your students feel included with their peers. ESL students are still capable of taking direction and learning new concepts, just in a different way.
  • Golden Rule- Be Firm but Gentle
This absolutely does not mean you should become tough with kids. Students can tell when teachers are being too soft and meek on them. Being too nice sometimes can be a bad thing because it shows you are kind of a pushover. Some clever students can even try to talk you out of teaching them lessons they hate.
Menachem Moscovitz

An assertive teacher is a great teacher! Menachem Moscovitz believes this. Being assertive and firm means becoming a sort of parent or guardian to your students. Ask your students questions, show them that you really care, and push them to do better. If your students get discouraged, maybe it would help you to find out what is really going on.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Menachem Moscovitz: Tips to Write a Recommendation Letter

A letter of recommendation from a teacher is very significant when a student applies to a university or even for a job. By writing the letter, Menachem Moscovitz says that a teacher provides a character witness to a university or company on the student’s behalf. If you write an honest and positive letter of recommendation for any of your students, it can help them stand out from other applicants. In this blog today we are going to provide steps and examples to help you write a great letter of recommendation for a student.
Menachem Moscovitz

What is a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a document that highlights a person’s character qualities, traits, and work ethic to aid them in their application process. The student can use it to help them enter a good academic program or a career. Someone who has spent time with them in an academic or professional setting often is capable of writing the letter. It provides universities, colleges, or companies a reference’s account of an applicant’s qualifications, including an individual skill, strengths, goals, and a subject accomplishment.

How to Write a Recommendation Letter for a Student

A letter of recommendation from a teacher or mentor is important when a student applies to a university or a job. By writing the letter, provide a character witness to a university or company on the student’s behalf. If you write an honest and positive letter of recommendation for a student, it can help them stand out from other applicants.
Menachem Moscovitz

What is a letter of recommendation?
A letter of recommendation is a document that highlights a person’s character traits and works ethic to aid them in their application process. The student may use it to help them enter an academic program or a career. Someone who has spent time with them in an academic or professional setting often writes the letter. It provides universities or companies a reference’s account of an applicant’s qualifications, including their skills, strengths, goals, and accomplishments.

How to write a letter of recommendation for a student

Menachem Moscovitz believes that a recommendation letter is important. As a teacher, if you need to write a letter of recommendation for a student, follow the guide to understand what to include and how to properly structure the letter: 
Menachem Moscovitz

1. Ask the student for academic information

First, ask the student for a list of his/her academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and GPA. Remember to ask for information about the program, university, or job they are going to apply for. This information can help you structure the letter to the program or any job they will be applying to. Your main goal here as a teacher to be an advocate for your student, and highlight their success.

2. Address your letter accordingly
Addressing your letter in a proper way can ensure it reaches the correct person and makes the recommendation seem more personalized. Ask the student who the letter should be addressed to, including the person’s role in the application process.

You can address the recommendation letter to a hiring manager, department head, admissions counselor, or program director. Menachem Moscovitz says that it is important to address the letter in a proper manner. If your student does not have a specific person to address the letter to, you can also address your recommendation to the desired company’s human resources department or a college’s admissions office.
Menachem Moscovitz

If the student is applying to lots of universities or companies, then remember to keep the letter general, but at the same time try to highlight their suitable attributes. For example, a student may be applying to various technical schools with the hopes of becoming a software engineer.

3. Introduce yourself and your qualifications

Your credibility as the student’s teacher offers an admissions board or employer an opinion about the candidate. At the beginning of your recommendation letter, identify who you are and what makes you qualified to speak on the student’s behalf. Include your job titles, such as the subject (you teach) or a specific course you taught the student whom you are writing a letter for.
Menachem Moscovitz

You could specify your role as the coordinator of a club or extracurricular activity the student maybe was an active member of if you have never had them in class. Such as- you may have directed a drama club but never had the student in your English class.

4. Add details about your academic relationship with the student

Continue your introduction by discussing how long you have known the student and in what form or capacity. This item can be a part of the extension of your job title, directly identifying your role in the student’s academic career. You can also describe your very own first impressions of the student and ways in which you have watched them develop into the student. Consider phrasing your perspective of the student in terms of how they might have surprised or impressed you in the classroom.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Top Top 6 Online Tools for Teachers

Teaching is a great profession; it is one of those professions which are considered noble by everyone. We say that teachers can shape the world as the command of the future generation is in their hands. When someone hears about bad teachers it might take a few minutes to suggest this because we never put teachers in the ‘bad’ category. Menachem Moscovitz says that teachers are a gem of the progressing society. 
Menachem Moscovitz

Today we are going to share some online tools that teachers can use to utilize and save their precious time. Check out the following;


This is the only global social network designed specifically for teachers. Through this tool, you can seek advice and support, share your knowledge, and get motivated as well. Sit back and let recruiting schools notice you around the world. Menachem Moscovitz believes that this is a great platform for new teachers especially, they can learn a lot through other teacher's experience sharing.

Google Classroom

Last but not the least- Google Classroom, helps classes communicate, save time, and stay organized. It at the same time makes teaching more productive by allowing you to streamline assignments, boost collaboration, and foster communication. 
Google Classroom

You can create classes, distribute assignments, and send feedback to everything in one place. Google Classroom seamlessly integrates with other Google tools like Google Docs and Drive, helping to keep you organized and most importantly, save precious time.


Menachem Moscovitz is well aware of what a struggle it can be to transfer loads of files at the same time. With the use of WeTransfer, you can easily transfer large files to your colleagues and keep your ideas moving. This tool is free of cost and does not even require you to create an account.


Pinterest is a place to get inspired; you can visit any website with just a single click. If you have an account well and good but if you do not then make an account immediately. From epic plans to clever classroom design you can get to know everything. You can create your own board as well to collect your ideas. At the same time, you can share those ideas with your students as well.


This tool is a hit among students. ClassDojo is a free school communication platform that teachers, students, and parents can use to build close-knit communities by sharing what’s being learned in the classroom daily through home photos, videos, and messages. 
Menachem Moscovitz

Parents can track their child's progress, and children can showcase their learning abilities too. There are free class behavior management tools and many added features for teachers too. You can also check out this free beginner’s guide for teachers to learn what ClassDojo can do.


Control whom you meet and when with the help of Calendly, a free calendar-booking app. Calendly integrates with your calendar making sure you are never double booked and allows you to save time when booking in your parent-teacher appointments, or meetings with colleagues.
Menachem Moscovitz

This is an award-winning learning management system, Menachem Moscovitz advises every teacher to use this app. Schoology allows teachers to create a private social network for their students, parents, and colleagues. Communicate with families and students, manage your entire classroom, collaborate with your colleagues & much more.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Top Qualities of Good Mentor Teachers Should Take Inspiration From by Menachem Moscovitz

Menachem Moscovitz says every teacher has seen that day when he or she wants to just go out and vent about how bad they had. Just have an interaction with someone older and wiser to get a solution. One of the most significant aspects of education is having a mentor who can help you in the hour of need.

Mentors may be formally assigned, or a mentor may informally walk into your life. A new teacher must have a mentor who believes in Menachem Moscovitz; he says that a mentor can make a struggling teacher under wings or simply tell you what needs to be done. Mentorship does not always have to be a formal process—but it is an important form of support for new and early career teachers.

If as a teacher you need a mentor in your life then make sure to look out for the following qualities:
  • Respect
First and foremost, there must be true respect between the mentor and the mentee (you). But respect does not necessarily need to be formed overnight—it takes a lot of time. Keep in mind that it is always earned not given.

Showing respect is all about the little things a person does. For example, when a veteran teacher with more than 15 or 10 years of experience embraces your new idea for a unit at a staff meeting, it shows you that you are being taken seriously.

Menachem Moscovitz

Or, when some other teacher comes to your room to just say hi, they are acknowledging that the relationship is about both of you. New teachers feel worthy when their colleagues reach out to them and make sure they are as much involved as they are. This can take many forms such as having lunch, sending an email, or even going to a union meeting together. Menachem Moscovitz says that respect is an integral part of teachers’ journeys.
  • Listening
Another major aspect is listening, Menachem Moscovitz believes. By truly listening, you get to know a person. You get to know a person in a more personal way than you may even. For example, a good mentor can pick up on when you are stressed out when you are in the zone when you are having a good day, and so on.

When a mentor puts the entire verbal and nonverbal clues together, they synthesize what you may need—even when you may not be able to even say it yourself. This is one of the qualities of mentorship that is not found in a lot of people. 
Menachem Moscovitz

And once they recognize what you need certainly, good mentors may come to your aid. If you think that you need a sanity lunch, plan one. If you think you need some advice on dealing with misbehaved students, lend some advice from your colleagues. The magic of listening allows mentors and mentees to get to know each other and informs the mentor on how they can be of assistance.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Organization Hacks for Teachers by Menachem Moscovitz

Teachers are creative but they also believe in smart work as well. No amount of storage is enough for teachers to keep their stuff, so here are some great teacher hacks to help you some time by Menachem Moscovitz. Check out the following tips:
Menachem Moscovitz

Hang it Up Session

You would be surprised how many organization dilemmas can be solved by simple and creative wall hangings.
  1. Use removable wallpaper painted with chalkboard or whiteboard paint to create writing spaces anywhere in your classroom. Menachem Moscovitz says that smooth surfaces work best- let us think about doors, windows, tables, etc.
  2. Take a wire wall hook and affix a clipboard for a good spot for lesson plans — or class list, sub plans or important papers — keeping things easily within the reach.
  3. Use glue to attach a thumbtack to a clothespin to hang up clean and used papers. Add some flair by covering the clothespin with a strip of tape.
  4. Designate a bulletin board (you can use sticky notes handy) to encourage students to write out questions and own discoveries about a subject matter. It is a very easy way to post questions about what you’re working on in one place.
  5. Make a "NO NAME" clipboard with hot-glued to a strip of wood. Display unsigned work by folding papers hotdog style for students to claim.
  6. Use painter's tape on your white board to make distinguishable areas for homework information or school announcements.
  7. Decorate with dust jackets from picture books hung banner-style or illustrations from old subject-related books. Make tape "frames" for hanging on the wall.
  8. Use a thrift store wine rack with plastic cups to store supplies such as markers, extra pens, and small scissors or glue sticks.
  9. Take a gallon Ziploc bag with a binder clip attached to one corner and hang on damage-free wire wall hangers for headphones storage.
Keep Students on the Task
Menachem Moscovitz

There are some tricks of the trade to make sure student supplies are in neat order — and that little hands do not leave your classroom a train wreck every day.
  1. Remember, a dish drainer filled with manila folders becomes a magical thing when there are review games, matching challenges and review work inside for those needing an extra challenge.
  2. Tape together a tissue box with another empty tissue box so students can instantly dispose of used tissues into the empty box.
  3. Buy a box of golf pencils for unprepared students at the tops. It decreases the likelihood of them walking off a class. In the first weeks of school, assign the task of taping the pencils to first finishers.
  4. Put dice in small clear Tupperware containers and shake as an alternative to having dice fly off the table.
  5. Take old DVD or video game cases, slip a white piece of paper in the pocket, and they can be used as mini-whiteboards for classroom games.
  6. Use a jar with every student name on a stick for a good way to quickly create groups. It is also an easy way to choose who will go first with presentations or randomly select students for helping in the classroom.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

6 Must-Read for Every Teacher by Menachem Moscovitz

1. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Communicating with children may seem enough, but when a teacher has 30 new faces looking back at them, they would be glad they read this book. Menachem Moscovitz loves this book and recommends teachers to read it. While the book was originally designed for parents, it has become a teacher’s guide on how properly to instruct children in the classroom so they would listen better and pay attention to you more.

Menachem Moscovitz

2. 99 Ways to Get Kids to Love Writing: And 10 Easy Tips for Teaching Them Grammar by Mary Leonhardt

Writing is a significant skill, but few teachers teach it well enough so the child will want to continue doing it on their own. Menachem Moscovitz has read the book himself. In this book Mary Leonhardt explains how teachers can start encouraging writing for children as young as preschool age. For higher up grade levels, this book explains easy ways to make grammar fun rather than frustrating.

3. How to Teach a Love of Reading Without Getting Fired by Mary Leonhardt

Teachers who teach teenagers will quickly learn that you cannot make them do anything they do not want to do. This book provides teachers with dozens of suggestions to help increase reading and promote classroom discussion among old students. Best of all, it can all be done through fun classrooms less than punishments or extra homework.
Menachem Moscovitz

4. The Cooperative Classroom: Empowering Learning by Lynda A. Baloche

Menachem Moscovitz says that cooperation is the key in any job, but even more so when teaching a large group of students. While this book was originally designed for those teaching teenagers, it can easily be applied to every grade level. The book explains in detail why, how, and when cooperation should be used to improve the whole classroom experience.

5. Why Johnny Still Can’t Read by Rudolf Franz Flesch

While this book was not specifically designed for teachers, it includes all detailed exercises on phonics, reading, and sight words that has been helpful in many classrooms. Menachem Moscovitz believes that this book helps teachers help those who are having trouble reading, it is recommended for those teaching younger grades.
Menachem Moscovitz
6. Parents Who Love Reading, Kids Who Don’t: How It Happens and What You Can Do About It by Mary Leonhardt

Menachem Moscovitz says that this book was designed for parents but provides teachers with valuable insight into the mind of a child. The book explains that the reason most children do not like reading is because teachers put too much emphasis on it. By stepping back and taking a much relaxed approach to reading, teachers are able to get their entire classroom enjoying more books.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

9 Time-Saving Tricks for Teachers by Menachem Moscovitz

1. Grade students writing

Grading papers can be time-consuming tasks for teachers. To save yourself stress, consider not pointing out every single mistake on a student’s work. However, highlight the errors that directly align with the lesson. Create a cheat sheet with frequently-used comments from which you can easily copy and paste.
Menachem Moscovitz

2. Post instructions

Do you ever feel like you are repeating yourself to students? Menachem Moscovitz believes that every teacher feels like that every once in a while. With the use of shared workflow documents like Google Docs you can post instructions for lessons and tasks in one central location students check regularly. This method can be used for tests as well as assignments.

3. Use assignment numbers

Menachem Moscovitz uses this clever trick, he says that this organizing trick will help you grade and sort papers quickly. In alphabetical order, assign each student in your classroom a number; have them write it on the upper right corner of every paper they turn in. With the papers alphabetized you can grade and record scores in your grade book.
Menachem Moscovitz

4. Sticky note warnings

To deal with disruptive behavior without interrupting the class, place three large notes on the board. Every time a student acts out; quietly remove a sticky note instead of punishing the student. Once all the notes are gone, enforce a consequence, such as detention or a note home. You can easily reset this practice every day for the entire class or one to two individual students.

5. Use wall folders to check assignments

Hang folders each for one for each student in a central location you can see from your desk. Students use the folders to turn in their homework assignments when they enter the classroom. Menachem Moscovitz shares that this way you can easily see at a glance which students complete their work on time.
Menachem Moscovitz

6. Manage papers in an easy way

Here are a few tricks to help control the mess:
  • Schedule a block of time once a week on your calendar to declutter and file papers that are on your desk.
  • Utilize a word processing program to organize and store frequently used forms.
  • Designate a file drawer for each subject you teach to sort paper by topic, such as blue for tests and quizzes, etc.
7. Plan lessons online

Lesson planning sites can be powerful time-saving tools. Allow students and fellow teachers to view your plans online and adjust lessons with a single click of the mouse!

8. Get students on task

If your students take long to get settled in their seats after the bell rings, consider planning timed activities that students are expected to complete within the first 10 to 15 minutes of class. It could be a trivia contest or a question that introduces that day’s work.
Menachem Moscovitz

9. Use an email template

Menachem Moscovitz says that as a modern-day teacher, you are likely spending a lot of time sending emails to students and parents on different issues and subjects. Instead of typing out the same email every time, create a standard template for each common issue that you can cut, paste quickly.