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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Menachem Moscovitz: 7 Inspiring Books Every Teacher Must Read

Menachem Moscovitz says that whether you are a new teacher or a seasoned educator, following suggested books will help you ignite the love of teaching and learning in you for sure!

#1 What Schools Could Be by Ted Dintersmith

The title of the book sounds appealing and makes to open it and find what’s in it doesn’t it? Ted Dintersmith through this book opens up and shares his experience of visiting 200 different schools in 50 different states of America. He shares his experience of meeting unlike teachers doing extraordinary things in ordinary set up. 

Menachem Moscovitz

Menachem Moscovitz highly suggests this book for every type of teacher who wants to do more each day. Teachers can make huge changes in a room filled with children.

#2 Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink

This book is an amazing read for those who want to find motivation in life. At times we need something to motivate us, inspire us, and we need that push in different phases of our lives.

#3 Teacher Laughs: Quips, Quotes, and Anecdotes about the Classroom by Allen Klein

Teaching can be tough you need some laughs to survive the day for sure! Sometimes the stress of the job can be tough, Menachem Moscovitz suggests every teacher read this book to learn humor. 
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#4 Creating the Schools Our Children Need by Dylan Wiliam

Dylan William shares unique ways American school uses to improve, and the gaps between the research tells us to do and what we should do. William also highlights the scoring system and how the perception that a huge school will have a higher score is wrong. Through this book, teachers can learn to be fairer while scoring.

#5 Why Don’t Students Like School? by Daniel Willingham

In this book, the author shares a straightforward and practical way to apply findings from cognitive science to a classroom. Menachem Moscovitz believes that this book is a great read for teachers who find applying practical methods tough and almost impossible. 
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A central claim made in this book is that while we all naturally curious, but we are not naturally ‘good’ at thinking and can only think about the things we know. This book also has contained best lines ever on education: “Memory is the residue of thought” (PS. Think about it!).

#6 Embedded Formative Assessment by Dylan Wiliam

One of the most misunderstood and influential ideas in schools today is- formative assessment (Menachem Moscovitz strongly agrees with this). In this book, the architect of formative assessment tells the core principles of it but, at the same time applies them to the classroom with highly practical examples.

#7 Bringing Words to Life by Isabel L Beck, Margaret G McKeown, and Linda Kucan

Lots of book critics have said that it is one of the best books on vocabulary until now. The author offers three-tier model: tier one words are those that rarely require instruction such as “dog” or “run”, tier two consists of words that have “high utility for mature language users” such as “contradict” or “precede”, and tier three words are domain-specific such as “pantheon” or “epidermis”.
Menachem Moscovitz
It is significant to know that a teacher can enhance a kid’s grammar a lot especially in the beginning. You must also look for ways through which you can expand that vital range, along with unique approaches to broaden children’s vocabulary.

Conclusion: Menachem Moscovitz firmly suggests that teachers should find ways to make teaching better. Each day is a new opportunity to improve yourself!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Menachem Moscovitz Shares Top 7 Kindergarten Books

Are you a kindergarten teacher? Then you must agree with this that the most fun about teaching a kindergarten is introducing a new book! Menachem Moscovitz has some amazing book suggestions that you should ‘at least’ think about teaching in your class.

Menachem Moscovitz
  • A Busy Creature’s Day Eating by Mo Willems
Mo Willems delivers a super-easy way to learn alphabets, she is a fantastic way to go from A to P and then finds her way to Z. As teachers, we try to find creative solutions to problems, and this book hilariously teaches about alphabets.
  • Thank You, Omu! by Oge Mora
“Thank You, Omu!,” is a story about a kid named ‘Omu’, who cooks stew and then shares with his neighbors. To which they show gratitude by bringing her food.

Menachem Moscovitz

Menachem Moscovitz believes that through this unique book students can learn the significance of sharing and develop this kind of habit.
  • All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
No matter what you wear, or what your background is all are welcome here! Through this book author, Alexandra has tried to touch a very sensitive topic and has been successful with it. 
Menachem Moscovitz

Through this book, students can learn about diversity and it can create make a kid look beyond religion and class. And that’s what we all need for our kids to be an empath and open-minded towards each other.
  • Pink is For Boys by Robb Pearlman
Make your students think beyond gender stereotypes and create a classroom culture where everyone is equal and welcome.

Menachem Moscovitz
  • Elmore by Holly Hobbie
Holly Hobbie through this book shares the thought that how hard can it be to make friends. Menachem Moscovitz expresses that through this book students can learn to make friends. This is an amazing book to read and learn from.
  • The Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds
Another amazing book you can teach kindergarten students is ‘The Word Collector’, in this book a kid named Jerome loves to collect words and he does! Jerome discovers the magic of words around him.

Menachem Moscovitz

Through this book, students can learn new words and it may make them curious to explore vocabulary. A good teacher is who can invoke a passion for reading in a kid.
  • One Fox: A Counting Book Thriller by Kate Read
Teachers find it very hard to make especially counting tough for kids, but through this book filled with creativity and sharp visuals, even the laziest kid will start loving counting. Menachem Moscovitz share that students can be interested only when you teach it with interest!

Menachem Moscovitz

This is it for today! We hope you liked our book suggestions and teach these amazing books in your class. Menachem Moscovitz would like to conclude that enthusiasm and curiosity are also needed in teachers if, they want to see the exact traits in students.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

3 Risk Factors for Becoming a Bully

How a child becomes a bully? Where do parents go wrong or is it the fault of a non-structured society? What causes the emergence of a violent and heartless bully from an innocent kid?
Menachem Moscovitz is always curious to know what instigates a bully? What makes a bully? And most salient of all how can we stop a child from becoming a bully? 
Menachem Moscovitz
Well, there is no single type of bully lets start with this, neither there is a major cause of bullying. Some hot factors create a bully and as educators, we need to find and establish those factors to stop it.

Here are some of the factors lets discuss one by one:
  • Family Risk Factors
Menachem Moscovitz believes that a family plays the main role in influencing a child's behavior. Here are a few family factors that contribute to making a bully.
  • Witnessing or Experiencing Bullying
Children learn from their parents this statement is true in every sense. Children from abusive homes turn out to be bullies, because aggression, abuse, violence are modeled for them in a very pity manner!
Menachem Moscovitz

If you notice someone bullying other kids, do not get to the result or issue the kid a harsh punishment which might make things worse. Dig a little deeper to find out what is going around in kid’s home.
  • Having Permissive Parents
A lot of the times when parents do not establish rules for their children or fail to provide adequate supervision, their children often resort to bullying. What’s worse than permissive parents do not try to stop the bullying when finding it.

If you find a student with less or no parental supervision at all, be on alert. The lack of a good relationship between parents and children is one of the first signs in the making of a bully. Menachem Moscovitz shares that it's okay to punish your kids once in a while when they do something wrong. 
Menachem Moscovitz
  • Seeing or Experiencing Bullying Among Siblings
When an older brother or a sister bully a younger sibling it creates a sense of powerlessness. And, to regain that feeling of power these kids often bully others thinking its okay to do so because their parents let their older brother or sister do this to them.

What can parents do to stop bullying at home/ between siblings?
  • Hold the Bully Responsible
  • Diffuse Jealousy Among Siblings
  • Instill Empathy
  • Empower Them With Problem-Solving Skills
  • Prevent Future Bullying Incidents
  • Put an End to Aggressive Behavior
Menachem Moscovitz
This is it, for now, we would discuss other factors that create bully in a further blog.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

4 Ways to Nurture Teacher-Student Relationship- Tips by Menachem Moscovitz

For the smooth functioning of a classroom, it is significant for teachers and students to have a good relationship. The ability to create a positive and powerful relationship between a teacher and students seems like a tough thing, but it can be easily achieved with a disciplined learning environment

Menachem Moscovitz
It goes hand-in-hand, if students are making an effort then teachers should also try their best and from time to time must evaluate their teaching methods.

Menachem Moscovitz says that as a teacher you must know what inspires students to do deliver their best and must understand that not all students are the same. Some students might learn or grasp information at a fast pace and others might not!

So, what does it takes to build a strong teacher-student relationship? Being a teacher what can you do to create an effortless bond with most of your students?
  • Consistent Communication
Consistent and effective communication is the key to every successful relationship. It is a vital aspect that shapes a student-teacher relationship. A single teacher cannot handle and communicate with every single student but of course, it gives him/her good insight into the trouble points.
Menachem Moscovitz
  • Encourage Students
Great students existed because of great teachers. Teachers have no idea that even a little bit of encouragement can spark passion in a student. Even small acts of encouragement can make a huge difference. Who likes discouraging teachers?
  • Maintaining a Positive and Engaging Environment
Menachem Moscovitz says that teachers can maintain a positive and engaging student by saying motivational and inspiring things. Try to take out 5 minutes from your daily class and donate it to inspirational moments. 
Menachem Moscovitz
  • Mutual Respect, Trust, and Honest Feedback
As a teacher, you have to understand that you are training future youth!
If you invest your time and put efforts then you can teach students these qualities. But, for students to take you seriously you have to do what you preach says Menachem Moscovitz.
  • Believe in Your Students
Lots of people credit their teachers for who they are and for their success. Teachers can give a push to students by believing in them. Sometimes students cannot see what qualities they have or how much capability they have. Being a teacher you can show them what can they do to be more confident and believe in them. 
Menachem Moscovitz

Whether you want to improve your teaching skills or personality skills, Mr. Menachem Moscovitz can help you in every phase of your life. 
So, just make an appointment with Mr. Menachem today if you dreadfully want to share your passion in the classroom.