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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Menachem Moscovitz: How Changing Education Changes The World

Some of the brightest minds, who made the world going crazy about their ideas, are not even graduated from college, and yet they were able to put a dent in the whole universe.

Education is overrated (hard, but true) people from all across the world are after their kids to get marks so that they could have a successful and secure life. Well, not exactly there are a lot of people who have made it quite big without going the traditional manner. 

Do you want to set the mark without diluting the whole system?

Here’s how you can

1. Remove “Extra” From Extra-Curricular Activities

Dancing, singing, painting or any sort of practices that aren’t considered as something relevant are actually quite a lot relevant. 

Students can also make a great career out of it so they can actually do something they are actually extremely sure about. Giving the equal weight age along with the studies is the best approach to predict the future.

2. A Diversify Education System Makes All The Difference

There’s always a thin line between being creative and walking on the straight line, sometimes all we need is an out of the box approach that might sound a little bit of too much but it can really work insanely right. 

3. Encouraging Students To Follow Their Passion

Following the passion is not just a motivational picture; in fact people need to acknowledge the fact that, somehow if you push yourself in the direction that might not be a regular one, you can still able to achieve great results. 

A lot of times those with the strangest approach can able to take charge of the things and bring the best results. People like Mr. Menachem Moscovitz have able to come up with the perfect execution and helped students to follow their passion.