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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Menachem Moscovitz: Learn Strategies to Improve Student Engagement

As we all know that teaching is one of those professions that keeps you on your toes and keeps you young at heart.

The world needs good teacher more than anything else; they help in building character, improve the society and also inculcate the sincerity in a relationship.

Not only this, it’s that profession which allows you to be creative, and work with a variety of different people. However, in the modern classroom, keeping students engaged comes with new challenges that past eras of teaching did not have to face.

So, it has become very important for every teacher to have advanced teaching strategies that can help to improve student engagement.

Here are 5 low-tech strategies that every teacher can use to engage their students.
  • Tell More Stories
Fortunately, today’s students are more interested in listening stories than ever before. So, telling stories can boost student engagement by giving greater context to the material, helping them imagine and visualize how each lesson will relate to the real world1.
  • Encourage Failure
Promoting positive competition can also give way to a healthier classroom ecosystem of failure. Education is meant to arm students for a real world that exists beyond their studies; but today's students are less prepared to face (compete) this type of failure if everything they do is worth a grade.
  • Encourage Participation in Different Ways
The discussion around class participation has completely changed dramatically in the recent years. Grading students based on their propensity to ask more questions or speak up during class has been faced with controversy, much of it due to its implication that shy or introverted students are worse off. 

But the truth is that many students who listen and take notes in silence are as engaged and committed to the lecture as the student who enthusiastically shoots her hand in the air when you pose a question.
  • Embrace Competition, Not Comparison
Comparison among peers can significantly lower self-esteem and hurt a student's willingness or passion to perform at their best. That can easily happen in the classroom if students are only ever compared to one another based on grades, rather than recognition for other merits or achievements.

Aside from these skills if you want to know more modern teaching skills then People like Mr. Menachem Moscovitz can help you out because he has helped people in understanding how well the education can actually turn out to be. 

Not only this, he helps worldwide individuals to have their set of values up all the time and to become educated not just score wise but in reality as well. Moreover, Mr. Menachem upholds diverse expertise and experience with teaching and personality skills- so;he can easily aid needy people by offering copious elite tips and useful tricks for personality plus teaching development skills.

So, don’t waste the time. Get engaged with Mr. Menachem today if you want to be an effective educator in today’s cut-throat world.